Balanced Roar is a space for those on the journey of self development, self inquiry, and healing to create more peace and ease, within ourselves and in relation to others.
We use tools of science, psychology, magic, ritual, intuition, & our physical beings to explore the human adventure and to transform our daily experience.
We are here to empower you to be your most authentic, happy, badass self.

Balanced Roar
Balanced – not seeking a stagnant equilibrium but honoring that swings off center are temporary, that less time in extremes feels more peaceful, that duality is honest and natural, that light and dark exist together not separately. We all have Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine within, regardless of what’s on the outside, what we’ve been trained to express, and the limitations of language.
Roar – many mammals roar – lions, tigers, bears, monkeys, elephants – and for various reasons – mating, territory, intimidation, to communicate with their group, to signal health and strength. They roar not for themselves but for others. It’s time to shift into a more community-minded existence. Drop the individualism of tyranny, colonialism, and misogyny. It is absolutely our duty to stand up for those who’ve had power stripped away by the Systems, acknowledge when we have benefitted from those Systems and yet remain committed to dismantling them and releasing those benefits to better the standard of living for all. Those “benefits” were built on lies and illusions anyway, we release the fear of losing and a lack mindset. And not after we’re “healed,” not when we’re “done” working on ourselves – right now. We already have the capacity to serve others.
The roar also signals bravery and you are indeed brave. Being curious is brave. To question what you know as safe, is brave. Disrupting the limits someone else placed on you, is brave. To explore that curiosity, of yourself and of your experience, is brave. To act in Community-minded ways in an individualist society, is brave. And it is the new way forward. Are you ready to disrupt?
About your guide
I am: Theresa, Traci, Pocket, traveler, auntie, sister, friend, queer, polyamorous, recovering people-pleaser, a New Orleanian, punk, shenanigator, human of 40+ years, cis-gendered, functional in neurotypical arenas. Art in progress (like all this!).
I be: witch, alchemist, claircognizant, dreamer, love warrior, fairy, investigator, disrupter, the Divine incarnate. A Storyteller.
Who “I am” drops away, it changes, it is the ego claiming labels. Who “I be” stays and always has been, it is my soul’s truth. I seek to remember who I be. That is where I find ease and true happiness.
My journey is removing the veil of the ego, to analyze the conditioning of a patriarchal society, my family of origin, my state and schools. I come back to what has always been and what I know to be true in my heart. My journey seeks the shadows within, not to banish but to acknowledge and cherish as part of the whole. That is when we are able to Roar in our full Being, by accepting all parts of ourselves. It’s messy. I don’t seek perfection or validation from the outside. I know my situation and journey is specific to me and my experiences, but it is not unique. It’s universal and so I share.

What I know to be true
We have everything we need within and know what is best for us – take what resonates, leave what does not. We are directly connected to the Divine: whatever Divine means to you, however that shows up in your life, however you choose to practice and connect. The Universe f*cking loves us. We are all pieces of the Whole, the Collective. Helping others helps ourselves. We do not have to be perfect to make an impact. Self care happens simultaneously with action.
We are not broken – no need to be healed, fixed, or made better. We do not seek perfection nor a specific standard – we’re quirky. Our expansion is in line with what is true and necessary for ourselves, right now. We can remember our soul’s truth. We can find balance and harmony, peace and ease. What is ours will find us, even if it circles the block twice. There is plenty for all – we believe in abundance of all things and qualities, One having does not take away from any One else having. We must work and exist together in spaces, not separated out by gender or other outward expressions. Inside – we are all the same and also uniquely different. We do not live in good or bad, black and white – we live in shades of grey, in the world of And.
The Container
Each month has a theme, coinciding with what’s going around me or an aspect of the current astrological energy (you don’t have to know anything about astrology or even believe in it to benefit). We’ll explore that theme and practice a growth tool.
3rd Mondays of 2023. We explored various techniques and tools to find what resonates with you. This included: science, magic, psychology, movement, meditation, breathwork, journaling, affirmations, and more. Select recordings are available on YouTube.
I write articles what’s coming up for me and how I’m dealing with it. I’ll be adding other voices as they’re ready to be heard. Is that you? Holler at me.
We investigate and analyze topics in Deep Dives – 6 week sessions diving deeper into transformative topics like Inner Compassion and Aligned Relationships. Sign up for the newsletter to know what’s coming up and when the on-demand replays are available.
What I aim to be and do. To share my journey and the tools I learn for fellow disrupters of a system that does not serve us. Create and hold space for the journeys of others. Welcome men and masculine mindsets into the conversation. Provide service in ways that are accessible and respect the spectrum of neurodiversity. Connect with Inner Children and Higher Selves. Take up space and share space. Encourage sacred activism. Reclaim pleasure as our birthright. Guide you when you feel lost, hear you when you feel unheard, see you when you feel unseen. Hold space for the amazing international community I’ve seen in my heart. Lead with joy!
Energy Exchange
We value emotional labor. It’s a simple energetic exchange: money is an energy, these services are an energy. We value Time – even if Time is measured by a constructed system, Time itself is not limitless. All that is true AND there is a deeply rooted system of wealth inequity in the USA and the world. I acknowledge that I am a direct benefactor of that system and as such, am committed to balancing that inequity when I’m able. I use a sliding scale for these offerings. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, please take the time to read Alexis J. Cunningfolk’s explanation here and/or study the graphic below to see where you fall.
If you are able to support someone with less resources by increasing your energetic contribution, I encourage you to do so. If you’re unable to financially support this work, another option is to help spread the word. Follow on social media – saving, reposting, and sharing posts directly with your connections has the most impact. Forward the newsletters. Talk about it. Roar as an ambassador!
I am committed to ensuring accessibility for all, and my time, energy, attention, knowledge, and gifts are worthy and deserving of payment.

You are not alone
I’m not perfect, I will make mistakes. Perfectionism is an unachievable goal anyway. This community has been gestating since August 2020 and I know the time to start is now. As a wise friend once said, when I was starting another project, and I ignored the advice then but I will not again:
Fuck the Ducks.
Jennifer – Boise
Do not wait until everything is perfectly in order, start now.
So here we go! Let’s be messy and curious, embrace the Fool archetype of starting at 0, and bravely show up to disrupt the patterns that hold us back!
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