We love moon tracking! The moon is a huge part of astrology. While the sun represents our outer world, the moon guides our inner world, our emotions, our behavior, our intuition, and our relationships. Super powerful stuff!

The various lunar stages guide us on an overall monthly theme – starting with setting an intention at the new moon. Think of it like planting seeds in fertile soil, like the dark sky when we can’t see the moon. Then we let the seed germinate and start to grow. We take aligned action like watering the plant and adding fertilizer. We see what sprouts and harvest under the light of the full moon, deciding if we want to keep the fruits of our labor or release it to start again. Lastly, it’s time to rest and cleanse the soil, ready for another new moon intention planting. 

The moon moves into a new zodiac sign every 2-3 days, impacting our inner world based on the astrological sign it’s in.

Tracking the Moon is a game changer.

I see correlations between the moon and my mood, which helps me better plan my energy. For example, I noticed I almost always cry during Cancer moons – at a movie, because I’m overjoyed at some sweet treat from life, or even when someone cuts me off on the freeway. I will cry! Good to know – I don’t plan intense work on those days, like meeting with a new client. I make time to be in my feels.

Conversely, Leo moons are a great for social activities for me so I plan to try something new or outside of my comfort zone on those moon days. I usually feel  confident and sexy – a great time to meet new people and try new things!

How to Track the Moon

Check out my video on TikTok to get started!

Each moon cycle – from new moon to full moon – print out both pages, or as a two-sided document. You could also use it as a digital tracker – make a copy and save with a new name each month. Do the same steps as below, digitally.

Match up which zodiac sign the moon will be in with the calendar date. For example, The Cancer new moon is June 28th, 2002. I use the app iLuna because it’s very straight-forward information and uses the astrological glyphs (symbols). You can also write out the name of the zodiac sign, too – whatever makes sense to you! It takes maybe 10 minutes per moon cycle/month. 

screenshot of iLuna app moon phases

Once your dates and zodiac signs are in, you’re ready to rock!

I suggest taking stock at the end of the day before bed, whatever time that is for you. Make notes about your mood, what you experienced with ease or resistance, what comes up in your relationships – how you feel. You can also make notes about what happened that day – there’s two lines per day to use as you please!

example of moon tracking guide filled in

Keep your Moon Tracking for a full quarter and then go back and compare. What themes come up for you during each zodiac sign? Crying on Cancer moons? Communication issues during Gemini moons? Feeling sexy AF on a Libra moon? 

Check back in every quarter as you gather more and more data. A spring Taurus moon may feel different than a fall Taurus moon. 

You may notice patterns just by taking the time to evaluate your mood at the end of each day. 

If you’re looking to learn the language of the moon, here are my two favorite resources.

Astrology by Celeste – she gives quick updates on the current moon vibes in real time in easy to digest videos with captions on Instagram

CosmicRx Radio – Madi Murphy gives a comprehensive overview for the week ahead with your emotional weather report, available on Fridays wherever you get your podcasts

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